Managing your expenses play an important role in every earning person. In fact, if you do not have a close monitoring of your expenses, your financial life gets disturbed which directly affects your whole family. With no control on your expenses, you suddenly find yourself short of funds, which is a pathetic situation.
So Expense Management is an essential aspect of your life if you want to lead a happy and prosperous life style.
Here, we have come up with great collection of 5 Best Free Android Expense Manager Apps that can help you to streamline your financial life by managing your expenses.
As a matter of fact, nowadays every other person is equipped with a Smartphone running on Android Operating System. This widespread popularity of the Android Platform can be harnessed for your financial well being when you start using Android Expense Manager Apps.
With changing times, Expense Management too needs to be reformed so as to be more robust, useful, up-to-date, easy to manage, well structured, and real-time. In fact, Android Expense Manager Apps are equipped with features that let you smartly manage and handle all your expenses in an easy way.
The 5 Best Free Android Expense Manager Apps will help you in successfully managing your expenses so that you are able to meet the financial goals that you have set for yourself and family. Using these Free Android Expense Manager Apps you can easily implement your monthly budget and are able to meet all your financial priorities and liabilities with no shortage of funds. You can even end up meeting your saving’s target for the month which previously you struggled to do so without Android Expense Manager Apps.
As a matter of fact, Expenses need to be managed to establish you financially, to start budgeting, recognize your income and to start saving. With the 5 Best Free Android Expense Manager Apps, you can make this a reality and be a champion in Expense Management.
There are certain Expense Manager apps available which helps us in managing our expenses on your Android phone. These apps help us to keep the regular record of our both income and expenses so that we can manage them easily. We hereby present you an awesome collection of 5 Best Free Android Expense Manager Apps and hope that you will find it immensely useful for managing your expenses.
5 Free Android Expense Manager Apps
Expense Manager
Expense Manager is an app for managing your expense for Android devices and that too for free. Expense Manager tracks your income and expenses regularly weekly, monthly and yearly as set by you. You can categorize your expenses and savings both. You can take a picture of receipt and can save on your phone, or Dropbox, set an alarm for making any payment, can easily import and export all the records of your account in CSV, prepare charts, account transfer and many more functions by helping you in managing your expenses. You can also have currency exchange rate by accessing the internet.
Expense Manager App is free to download and easy to use.
Easy Money
Easy money is the number one app for Android that helps you in managing your money. It helps you manage your daily finances it provides you a full window that keeps the record of all your incomes and expenses and gives provides you information on a daily basis how to manage your finances. All categories of expenses whether it is personal, business or any other expenses all can be easily managed from one single screen and app.
It can take pictures of your receipts for future references, set an alarm for payments, create a backup of your account on your SD card, incorporated checkbook manager, can manage your multiple accounts and multiple currencies. You can also lock the Easy Money app using a four digit secret pin number.
Andro Money App
Andro Money is another app for managing your expenses. Andro Money app is very easy to use and download. This is a very powerful app which manages your account daily, all the sub categories made by you to manage your incomes and expenses, and even create daily reports of your spend money.
Andro Money App has a number pad with calculations, all currencies downloadable rates, can be protected using a password, keep on creating a backup of your account also, account transfer and many more functions.
CW Money
CW Money is another expense manager app for Android. Basically, CW Money is a Finance Management Software, which manages your account. It has features that help you in managing your expenses such as it can manage multiple account and currency. It sets a monthly budget on behalf of us so that we can easily manage our expenses. It also supports camera for taking pictures, GPS for converting currency and transferring and voice calculation also.
Money Lover
Money Lover is an expense manager app. This app is basically for managing your personal finances in the simplest way. You can easily add categories to your income and expenses and have a total of income and expenses in a particular category.
Money Lover App acts as an alarm clock reminding you to pay your debt on time. It can easily prepare the whole chart and stats from the data provided by you. It also has an Auto backup option to create backup of all the records. It also has currency convertor, currency exchange, Bank and ATM finger and interest rate calculator which help you in managing your funds.
Hope you liked this list of 5 Best Free Android Expense Manager Apps. Please do share which app you use.